Vegetarian and Global Warming

Sunday, October 25, 2009
at 7:03 PM

UN report on livestock and the environment in 2006 was surprising because it is the livestock sector, the most significant contributor to global warming. Almost a fifth (20 percent) of the world's carbon emissions come from livestock. Apparently that emissions greater than all the emissions released throughout the world of transportation combined into one (about 14%).

Farm sector recorded carbon dioxide contributes to 9 percent, nitrogen oxide by 65 percent and methane gas to 37 percent. Nitrous oxide was recorded 296 times more potent as an emitter of greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide. Recorded methane gas 20 times more potent as a producer of greenhouse gases kacara than carbon dioxide. Livestock also produces 64 percent of ammonia associated with the human, and that caused acid rain.

Transportation used to transport livestock, eggs, milk, etc., from farm to factory to warehouse or place of slaughter would also add to the carbon and methane emissions. Storage form of cooling is not necessarily the series gmenambah sembua. Yet if they also have to be imported from foreign countries.
How much land is used for the slaughter, milk processing plants and so on, the places in the supermarket and much more.

Livestock is also a major source of damage to soil and water. Livestock now extended up to 30 percent of Earth's surface. According to Steinfeld, senior author, in his report on the FAO (Food and Agricultuter Organization), "livestock is a major driver of deforestation and 70% of the Amazon jungle terlah converted into farm fields," Livestock are also causing land degradation. Approximately 20% of land used as farm land has been degraded and cause erosion. In the United States, trillions of gallons of water that should be used for agricultural irrigation and water reserves are used to grow fodder.

In addition, animals also produce excessive biological waste that is poorly absorbed in our ecosystem. enegi farm use in a way that is very inefficient, but also caused damage to the environment and ecosystems. To 1 kg of meat, we produce carbon dioxide emissions to 36.4 pounds.

Bureau of animal science watchdog, known as the Foundation Nicolaas G. Pierson, this spring released a documentary film which tells the story of climate change with jugul "Meat the Truth".
Of the film was clearly visible that the farm animals, whether for meat, and milk and eggs, is the biggest cause of global warming and greater than the emissions for vehicles in the world.
Some facts are shown on the film are:
- Emissions of carbon dioxide from a cow for a year driving a vehicle similar to the extent
70,000 km
- A vegetarian (without any animal products) to drive a Hummer SUV (a
very wasteful vehicle fuel) was
more environmentally friendly than a meat eater riding a bicycle
- If the Dutch people can not consume animal material in a single day semingggu,
then the amount of carbon dioxide reductions that occur as the number of government targets
Dutch to all households throughout the year.
- In South America, approximately 400 million hectares of soybean crops used to feed cattle. Yet for
meet the food needs of all people around the world (no animal products) is only required
25 million hectares.

Of all the above calculations we can then conclude that it is also possible that the farm could occupy approximately 80% contributor to global warming. Percentage is growing because of the relatively large portion of which was donated by the influence of exhaust gas transport becomes smaller.

So, it would be wise if we now immediately discontinue use of all animal products.


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